Fixed desync bug with IAU Constellation and constellation borders (GH: #246) Fixed the term for altitude above sea level (GH: #247) Fixed position of Jupiter moons: updated theory to L1.2 (GH: #222) Fixed auto-enabling landscapes when setObserverLocation is call (LP: #1783752) Fixed Earth shadow on scaled Moon during eclipse Fixed crash in the combination: constellation is selected and sky culture has been changed Fixed URL of API for "Location from network" feature (GH: #218) Fixed Moon HiPS rendering during eclipse

Fixed sorting rules for AstroCalc/Phenomena tool Added Henriksson solution (2017) for Schoch formula for DeltaT (1931) Added support Milkyway saturation effect (GH: #175, #242) Added visual magnitudes and sizes for Abell planetary nebulae Added processing the 30x HTTP codes for Quasars, Pulsars, Historical Supernovae, Bright Novae, Meteor Showers and Exoplanets plugins (GH: #236, #231, #229, #227, #226, #225, #224, #223) Added support 'ESO/Uppsala Survey of the ESO(B) Atlas' Added support to add/subtract calendric month through hotkeys (GH: #232) Added additional level of checks for JSON documents Added possibility to select all constellations through scripts and hotkeys Added distances for some planetary nebulae (DSO) Added support Abell Catalog of Planetary Nebulae (Abell, 1966) Added artwork for some Maori constellations Added additional context for term 'Transit' (GH: #215) Added "clear" button for search of artificial satellites in the selected group (Satellites plugin) Added centering text for headers in AstroCalc/Phenomena, AstroCalc/Ephemeris and AstroCalc/Positions tools Added special case for partial solar eclipses in AstroCalc/Phenomena tool Added column with angular distance from the Moon into AstroCalc/Phenomena tool Added filters for list of matching objects in AstroCalc/WUT tool Added filters for enlisted objects in Search Tool/Lists tool

Added handle keypressing for list of matching objects in AstroCalc/WUT tool Added support decimal degrees format for AstroCalc tool Added elongation support for AstroCalc/Phenomena tool Added GUI improvements for AstroCalc tool Look into the Guide for its location.Stellarium 0.18.2RC2 has been published today. If possible, attach the logfile log.txt from your user data directory.
Operating system: Windows 11 Pro 1 Build 22621.Stellarium version: stellarium-1.1.1-qt6-win64.exe.Also NINA is able to get coordinates from planetarium just fine and Stellarium does not fail. If I run Stellarium not connected to the device hub, with NINA running and connected to the device hub, Stellarium does not fail.If I run Stellarium not connected to the device hub it does not fail.
When I run Stellarium connected to Device hub as the only software connected to Device Hub it crashes.When I have NIINA connected to device hub as well Stellarium crashes but NINA continues to operate fine.When I run Stellarium connected to Device hub as the only software connected to Device Hub Stellarium crashes.When I connect to device hub Stellarium v1.1 crashes after 15 - 30 minutes even if it's the only connection to device hub. Stellarium remain up and running when connected to Device Hub Actual Behaviour